Blue-tiful Bliss
Blue-tiful Bliss
If you chuckled at the pun-y words then this bouquet is for you! Turn someone's blues to a blue-tiful one winks
Our Blue-tiful bliss are arranged according to our florist's pick and within the colour palette of blues & purples with sprinkles of pink, white and sometimes orange yellow!
No two arrangement is the same. According to season's availability, we will use what's best and suited to our collection theme.
Flower Care
Flower Care
All of our arrangement comes with a flower care card. If you are unsure, feel free to reach out at 8927 6842
All arrangements comes with complimentary delivery unless stated otherwise. We do not deliver to Hospitals, Army Bases, Pulau Ubin.
For delivery to Sentosa, there will be an additional of SGD10. We will reach out to you upon order confirmation.
For re-delivery, an additional of SGD36 applies.
Auntie's Note
Auntie's Note
All our arrangements are for illustration purposes. Please take note that when you purchase our arrangement, they are curated based on florist's pick and what is available at the flower market, unless stated otherwise.